Title: “Prayer” - 75x95cm (framed) Collage with Gold Leaf on handmade and synthetic papers
The composition is made from different types of paper. Some are synthetic papers. Others are handmade by me by rendering plant vegetation. The point of focus is a Buddhist Prayer Paper. These three types of paper represent various spiritual orientations and how they can function in harmony together. Also the balance between the different types of products (synthetic, manufactured and natural) suggests that technology can coexist in harmony with the natural and the spiritual.
Artistic techniques to achieve this:-
The overall tertiary colour composition is alludes to a mature and deep understanding of spirituality. This is emphasized by the gold leaf on the Sacred Prayer paper. Gold represents the highest element in that it is incorruptible. The gold is the point of focus. There is not black or white used.
The artistic composition is balanced and adheres to the rule of thirds. The shapes are predominantly geometric overlayed by the dominant organic shape made from mulberry leaf on the lower left. Whereas this combination adds contrast, it also is balanced. It alludes to how the conventional dogmatic approach to religious doctrine can exist together with the more flexible approach to spirituality put forth by the mystics. This collage represents how two contrasting forms can coexist in a balanced and respectful way.
Given that it is the Xmas Season the concept of “Peace to the World – Let all rejoice!” is foremost in many people’s minds. As we move into 2012, being constantly aware in the present moment helps one to a monitor one’s own actions and respond accordingly.