Rose wood (antique) and Feathers
The phoenix is a mythical bird who
after wandering the desert for 500 years, was believed to have consumed itself
by fire, only to rise again from its own ashes with renewed strength.
I feel that the phoenix is appropriate
to New Year because a new year arises from the old year. It is a time of renewal when resolutions are
made for the coming year.
Artistic techniques used in the art
When I salvaged the feathers, somehow I knew how I would set them to good effect and honour their beauty. I drilled holes into the rosewood lamp base and set thin wooden skewers in the direction I wanted the feathers to stand. I then glued them in place and inserted the shaft of each feather onto the skewers. Little had to be done after that other than polishing the rosewood. Thus a phoenix was born.
I think that this symbolizes the New Year and I would like to thank those who follow my blog for their support and wish them all the very best for 2013.
I also want to say that a 2013 calendar features one of my paintings which is a great honour. The National Rural Health Alliance that produced the calendar is Australia’s peak non-government body for rural and remote health and the Alliance’s vision is good health and wellbeing in rural and remote Australia. The calendar is available to you FREE of charge from - if you would like one sent to you – just email them. If you would like to read about my painting that is featured in the calendar, go to Understanding Abstract Art #4 on this blog. It’s title is “Up”.
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