Friday, October 12, 2012


“Black Tango”


This painting was initially an exercise in colour and composition.  It has no personal meaning and was named after the exercise was completed.  

Artistic techniques used in the painting:

Black is a difficult colour to use as a base colour.  This prompted me to create a painting using this colour.  At the time I was not using black and white at all.  I spent a number of years just using three primary colours and mixing secondary and tertiary colours from these three. Of course I varied the blues/reds and yellows so a not to get bored.  This discipline gave me a very good knowledge of colour.  So a deviation from what I was doing presented quite a challenge.  
The composition is primarily of verticals.  These are positioned so as to achieve balance.  The tension of the lime green in the upper left is off set with the rectangles in the lower right.  There seems to be a metred rhythm to the composition also which is achieved by the placing of the abstract shapes.  
The name “Black Tango” adds intrigue to the finished exercise.  It is an evocative tilte... what do you think? 

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