Saturday, October 27, 2012


Finalist in the Kenilworth Art Awards 2009.


This painting is one of a series of paintings called SATSANG.  It is a spiritual word which essentially means “meeting in Truth”.  If you get the feeling of emptiness, then the painting is having the desired effect – it is a meditation.

It represents the NOW – the past and future does not exist.  If thoughts come, then the conscious observation of those thoughts as they drift in and out of consciousness is enough.  The content of those thoughts is irrelevant.

This series of paintings aims to say “that which cannot be said in words”- they simply ARE...

Artistic techniques used in the painting:

I use overpainting as a process.  Often this process moves from chaos into order.  The abstraction allows me to work without conscious intent.  The layers of overpainting convey the notion of reincarnation – the past manifesting in the present.  

The viewer determines which way the painting is to be hung; therefore there is no signature on the painting.  This is for two reasons.  Firstly, it allows the viewer to interact with the work on an ephemeral level.  Secondly, because these paintings seem to evolve without conscious intent, it maintains the integrity of each painting as being free of ownership.  I do however sign my name on the back of the paintings.  

None of the paintings are framed but rather expand beyond their borders giving a limitless quality of boundlessness.

In this painting the flat plane of warm colour is counterbalanced by the slither of its compliment on one side.  This flat look is reminiscent of Abstract Expressionism. 
The composition is contained with a square which often helps create a feeling of balance. The square format is much favoured by me of late.

The tonal value is low with an emphasis on colour.  The point of focus is the fluoro orange colour.  There is little texture as the paint is applied by roller which adds to the flat finish.

This painting was a Finalists at the Kenilworth Art Awards 2009.

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