Friday, May 25, 2012


“Female”   (Clay)  Size:  60cm high


Art as in painting is what I have been doing for as long as I can remember.  However it is not unusual for an artist to try their hand at other art forms.  I would not call myself a sculptor, but have from time to time had a foray into that field.  The above piece was done under the instruction of a master sculptor Janna Paneijer.  I created a maquette in clay about the size of my hand.  It was from that small piece that I fashioned this piece.  I would not have been able to achieve these proportions in clay without the guidance I received from Janna.  It stands 60cm high and took 4 bags of clay.
The British artist, critic, writer and broadcaster Mathew Collings has explored the concept of beauty in art.  He presents 10 characteristics which he says define beauty in art.  They are briefly listed here:
Nature – A visual essence that humans of all races are hardwired to respond;
Simplicity  - Symmetrical elegance of visual communication;
Unity  -  The parts all fit together and become one thing;
Transformation -.Imbues an idea into a powerful symbolic form;
The Surroundings of an artwork create atmosphere which contributes to the beauty of the art piece;
Animation is a power or liveliness that is contained within the artwork;
Surprise  to see the known so it can be re-seen;
Pattern Organizing visual experience so it gives pleasure to the eye;
Selection  - not random but finding relationship that creates tension and freshness;
Spontaneity – Improvisation makes up the personality of the artwork.
In Collings’s video on “What is Beauty” these 10 principles are applied individually to 10 different works of art.  The 10 principles are not needed to be collectively in each individual artwork.
It is interesting to consider them when looking at abstract art because they do apply cross culturally and abstract art is a non-verbal language that is understood conceptually.

Artistic techniques used in the sculpture:

My paintings all favor a characteristic flatness and abstraction.  I can paint a realistic portrait but generally my paintings are distinct for their abstractness and flat planes of rich colour.  I feel that this “signature” is carried over to my sculpture also.  The above piece is titled “Female” and encapsulates the essence of the feminine.  The form is abstract but undeniably symbolizes the female.  Its simplicity and abstraction adds to its strength and elegance.  It is symmetrical in shape and I think… beautiful.
What do you think?

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