Friday, July 6, 2012


“Its about Oil…its about Water” 
(Mixed media and bitumen on ply board)  
Size:  90x90cm


Many of my paintings are conceptual which means that they are about ideas and not just decorative works.  I did this painting in response to the degradation of our environment by multinational companies and some governments that indiscriminately and blatantly plunder our Earth’s resources.

Artistic techniques used in the painting:

The painting is almost monochromatic in that the blues blend from one to the other. 
The square support is ply board which has been primed with gap-filler to achieve the textured surface.  The collage in the centre re-states and  emphasizes the square shape of the painting.  I dribbled bitumen onto plastic and when dry then removed the plastic.  The dry bitumen shape was then adhered to the collage to represent oil. 

The dribble in the upper border is the only part where Orange (the complimentary opposite to Blue) is used to subtly draw attention to it. 

In this painting, less says more.  What do you think?  Does it achieve its aim?

The beauty of our environment is being allowed to slip away.  Beauty is nourishment for the soul.  This degradation of our environment has been demonstrated this week at a local level.  The beautiful natural forest in the centre of Buderim Village that I wrote about in posts #21/22/23 was destroyed this week - cut down by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. 

In its place will be a steel and timber viewing platform overlooking the back of a shopping centre.  My paintings are often about the environment... it is my way of saying that we have to be aware of what we are losing before it’s too late.  

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