Friday, June 22, 2012


“Golden Glow”  (Acrylic)  Size:  90x120cm


”Golden Glow” is a spiritual painting.  It was painted during a time when I was seeking inner Truth.  Essentially it represents a meditative state where thoughts come into awareness and are observed in a detached manner.  The point of focus is Emptiness. 

Artistic techniques used in the painting:

Over-painting is used in many of my acrylic paintings and this is no exception.   Also the flat planes of colour are another feature of my artwork.

The colour yellow for me represents joy.  This colour ranges from a warm yellow which floods most of the surface and is off set by the cool yellow at the bottom centre, offering the viewer a glimpse of another possible dimension.  

The picture is balanced by the two borders on either side of the canvas.  High contrast in these means that the painting has high tonal value.  This together with the colours used in these borders adds a feeling of drama and rhythm to what could be a bland expanse.

The painting is one of a series of paintings which I called the “Satsang Series”.  It is meant to evoke a meditative state in the viewer.   What do you think?   Was I successful in your eyes?


  1. Hi Tami .... Getting washed away in Melbourne but loving your colors this mornin!!

  2. Thank you Wyn. How was the trip. When will you be home? Cheers, Tanmayo
