Friday, August 17, 2012


“Ginger Kiss”
Size:  120x90cm


This painting came about when someone gave me a magnificent Torch Ginger flower.  I was so in awe of it I instantly made a drawing of it.  

As it was, I had a canvas which I was experimenting with.  After drawing the flower I realized that this canvas was just perfect for my purposes.  I then drew the outline of the flower onto the canvas in blue.  This blue became the background for the painting.

Art Techniques used to achieve this:

The canvas was initially an experiment in paint application.  I used reds, blues and purple acrylics.  I poured the paint on and manipulated it with flicks of water and by pressing sheets of paper onto the paint to get random texture.  This was allowed to dry and it was this that I used for the flower.

The painting evolved effortlessly.  It was as if the experimental dabbling was perfect for the subject.  Sometimes things like this just happen.  What a joy.  Life is sometimes like that too. 

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