Friday, April 19, 2013


“A Mortal Flower” 
(Oil, Pastel & Fibreglass Resin)
Size:  100x77cm


This painting “A Mortal Flower” typifies a style I experimented with but due to health concerns I decided not to continue this approach.  The painting is oil on a plywood board.  The oil paint was applied and then turpentine was sprinkled onto it causing it to run and separate.  I then drew the face using pastels.  There was no likeness to anyone in particular.  I applied fibreglass resin over the whole painting.  However due to the combustible nature of the resin and also the fumes, I decided to discontinue this style even though it was popular.  Also after doing one or two paintings using this technique, I became bored with the process.  This painting has no real meaning.  Also there is not much technique involved and the faces become repetitive.  I prefer to paint something that offers a challenge or says something of meaning, regardless of whether it is popular or not.  I only painted two of this type – the other being “Soft Glances” which is reviewed in Post #55.

I wonder just how you feel about this painting?

I urge painters to experiment with as many different types of media as possible and by so doing, one learns how to achieve specific affects when they are required.  A painter learns only by experience and not by reading about it.  Painting is a very hands on discipline.

So, what is art?  In my opinion true art should say something just like literature.  However, many of the general public tend to look at art from a purely decorative point of view.  If it looks pretty or is a nice scene then its “good” art.  I suppose all are true - it really depends on the viewer.  Just like a conversation, there is the speaker and the listener.  What the speaker is trying to say has to be interpreted by the listener – the listener has to be receptive for the information to be heard.  With art this also applies but so often the viewer does not reflect or the time to contemplation.  They just look, make a quick judgement and move on.  This says something about the modern human – are we becoming self absorbed and insensitive perhaps?  Are our eyes closed to subtleties?   Don’t we have the time?  Every action or re-action says something.  It’s all art – the art of living.  It’s about being conscious in the Now.


  1. Hi Tami - I love the effect you have achieved in this - I can understand you need for a mix of techniques - but this has a certain depth to it and intrigue!! Cheers!!

  2. Yes Wyn, it is an interesting technique but it was so easy!! What does that say about me! Cheers, Tanmayo
